Sunday, November 27, 2016

Henry Plant And Henry Flagler

                                                                                                                                                                 Everyone has dreams but not everyone accomplishes their dreams ,but Henry Plant and Henry Flagler did these two men were a big part of history and now we see how much their work paid off.  

    “The man who saw a wilderness and out of it created an empire; who saw a desert and out of it made a garden spot,” is the way Henry M. Flagler was described by Richard H. Edmonds, famous editor of the  Manufacturers Record. Both men were interested in making Florida into a better place although they had different ways of doing so. Henry Plant founded the east coast railroad while Henry Flagler founded most of our beautiful hotels.

Henry Plant branded his networks of railroads and steamships the plant system.This became the most profitable networks in the 1800's through the 1890's.Before this Plant started buying out bankrupt railroads he moved his way into Florida.Henry expanded also by having connections with other railroad projects like when he helped Mr. Ingraham they expanded their railroads to Florida and on January fourth the tracks were opened Plant had become the owner of three-fifths of the SouthFlorida Railroad.Henry Plant and Henry Flagler had split the state up Henry Plant had the west coast and Henry Flagler had the east coast of the state.

Henry Flagler shared the same interest as Mr.Plant make Florida somewhere people want to go to.Flagler built many hotels such as the hotel Ponce de Leon ,Royal Poinciana,Palm Beach Inn,and bought the Hotel Ormond. Flagler did not only have a hotel business but he also had a railroad business a transportation company offered Flagler to bring his railroad further south and he took to work immediately.Florida East Coast Railway was renamed by Flagler's  Railroad in 1895 Flagler dreaded a channel he built streets instituted the first water and power systems he also financed the town's first newspaper.The people of the town wanted to honor the man who was responsible for the town's growth by naming it Flagler but he refused he suggested it be call Miama or Miami which are Indian names.

Both of these men are a big part of Florida's history these men made many changes to how Florida was so that people could populate the state. All the efforts that these two men made finally paid off there were many tourists and new opportunities.These men were well known because of everything that they did everybody liked them.

Dreaming is part of life and everybody has dreams and when a person dreams it opens their mind to new things. Everyone has a chance to do something special be someone special and it doesn't matter if your rich or poor.   

Monday, June 6, 2016



           Everyone remembers the story of OZ but we haven't heard the full story this will help us understand what truly happened. 

      Elphaba  was a misfortune since the day she was born she came out green as evil itself they thought she was a monster with teeth sharp as knifes fingers that looked like sticks.The poor child was terrified of water she wouldn't go near it her mother wanted to push her in and get rid of the girl. The father also known as brother Frexspar the Godly is absent most of the time and he feels its his fault the baby is green because he wasn't able to complete his calling. His wife Melena gets lonely and finds company with strangers who pass by. 

       As years pass Elphie heads to Shiz University and has to share a room with Ms. Galinda who loathes her not knowing how things will turn out she quietly accepts everything that others throw her way. She reunites with an old friend master Boq who finds himself falling for Ms. Galinda he decides to ask Elphie for help, when she finally introduces them Ms. Galinda finds this very low class. But soon the three of them become very fond of each other but while at Shiz they learn that things are not as they seem when doctor Dillamond suddenly dies everything starts to become more obvious of whats going on. Later that year Madam Morrible  tries to use Elphie, galinda which has changed her name to Glinda, and Elphies sister Nessarose after the littlemeeting Elphie and Glinda go to see the wizard but find themselves tossed aside like trash. 

Image result for wicked doctor dillamond    Elphaba decides to take a new life and leave everyone behind as years go by she bumps into an old friend Fiyero they start to get close but a tragedy hapens one day he is killed while looking for Elphie. She blames herself for his death and trys to find his wife at Kiamo Ko, she is now accompanied by a young boy they get a place to sleep in the palace but before she can confess anything Fiyeros wife and sisters are taken and killed. 
 As the enchanting stranger crashes the house on poor Nessarose also known as the wicked witch of the East when Glinda gives Dorothy the heels she finds herself with a new enemy her old friend the wicked witch of the west aka Elphaba in the end the wicked witch dies.  

Monday, May 23, 2016

Amish Life

                                                 Amish Life 

                            The Amish is a religious group of people who live in communities outside the city they have been around for some time now. Amish communities live very simple lives they don't use electricity, drive cars and wear normal clothes like we do. Women wear   ankle length  dresses that must be one color and not very bright they have their hair in a bun under a prayer cap. Men wear black trousers  a dark or light color shirt with suspenders and a black hat they mush have a special hair cut.
Amish family's are often very large most family's have between 6-8 children, Amish teenagers have signings ( a social after church on Sunday's ) when Amish teens turn 16 they go on their rumspringa its when teens get to run around and experience the English world  then they choose if they will join the church or leave and join the English.
Image result for amish
Image result for amish storeUsually when teens court they keep it quiet until they get engaged once a man marries he is not allowed to shave. Amish parents are strict and they discipline their children according to the Ordnung children have many things to do around the house or even the farm, the Amish community helps each other in mostly everything. Image result for amish barn raisingBarn raising are pretty cool the men gather and help build a new barn together it usually takes 1-3 days depending on the size of the barn and  the amount of men that are helping, women are inside making food for the hungry men after they call it a day. The children's school house is just one room the Amish stop going to school at  8th grade they do not believe in a higher education once they leave school they go into their family business or go work in a local general store or in a cafe.Amish work with wood and make furniture and some women have bakery's.Image result for amish store                            Image result for amish bakery
Image result for amish schoolhouseAmish travel by hoarse and buggy they say that if you drive or own a car you are not Amish this is one of there main rules the children cant even have pedals on their bicycles they must ride it like a scooter this is so that they don't go fast through the streets.